
Okayama ... and Momotaro



Momotaro Hodgepodge (momotaroo nabe)

***** Location: Japan, Okayama
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Momotaro (Momotaroo ももたろう, 桃太郎 )
the Peach Boy
is the hero of Okayama city. The main street is even called "Momotaro Road", momotaroo doori 桃太郎通り and an annual festival is held in his honor.
Der Pfirsischjunge

Momotaro from Okayama
Clay Bell from Okayama

. Momotaro 桃太郎 and Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
The Folktale Discussion


The city of Okayama has now "invented" a hodgepodge named after this famous hero 桃太郎鍋.
CLICK for more photos It started off with a big pot serving visitors of a festival in 2006.
The hodgepodge includes ass the heroes of the story. Momotaro himself is represented by kibi dango, kibidango 黍団子 millet dumplings. The red demon is represented by mochi with red rice, whereas the green demon has yomogi mugwort mochi. The local momotaro jidori 桃太郎地鶏 chicken is used for the soup. Only local vegetables are used. They are cut into the heroes of the story, carrots are cut in little monkey shapes, the white dog is formed from radish. Yellow nira leek of Okayama is also added in great quantity to represent the tail of the pheasant.
It is quite fun to pick them all out of the pot when done. So the family has something to talk about when eating together.


The main story of
Momotaro and Momotaro Dolls and Amulets

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .


Momotaro Festival in Okayama
"桃太郎祭り" Momotaro Matsuri

source :  www.pref.okayama.jp

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One of the attraction is the dance "uraja うらじゃ", where people paint the faces in all colors and wear fancyful costumes. Groups of many villages take part and often there is a competition for the best costumes and dancing.
My own village Ohaga also has a dance groupe of this kind.

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桃太郎祭りずし弁当 Sushi for the Momotaro Festival
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. Shrine Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 .


The story of Momotaro may be related to the old believes of the onmyodo 陰陽道 Yin-Yang Worldview. The direction of bad influence, kimon, is in the ushi-tora (bull tiger) direction. So one of the demons Momotaro is fighting has horns and the other wears a tiger skin.

And the Monkey, Dog and Pheasant are animals in the zodiac, in the opposite heavenly direction from the kimon 鬼門 .

The peach itself is seen as an auspicious symbol.
In the shrine Abe Jinja 安部神社 at the kimon related to the imperial palace in Kyoto is a metal peach, where people come to touch it to ward off evil 厄除けの桃 even today.
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Momotarō (桃太郎)
CLICK for more photos is a popular hero from Japanese folklore. His name literally means Peach Tarō; as Tarō is a common Japanese boy's name, it is often translated as Peach Boy. Momotarō is also the title of various books, films, and other works that portray the tale of this hero.

The popular Children's song about Momotarō titled Momotarō-san no Uta (Momotarō's Song) was first published in 1911. One version of it is included below with romanization and translation.

Momotarō-san no uta (Momotarō's Song)

Momotarō-san, momotarō-san (Momotarō, Momotarō)

Okoshi ni tsuketa kibidango (Those millet dumplings on your waist)

Hitotsu watashi ni kudasai na? (Won't you give me one?)

Agemashou, agemashou (I'll give you one, I'll give you one)

Ima kara oni no seibatsu ni (From now, on a quest to conquer the ogres)

Tsuite kuru nara agemashou (If you come with me, I'll give one to you)
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おかやま桃太郎まつり - Wikipedia -


Momotaroo tomato 桃太郎トマト
Momotaroo tomato serii 桃太郎トマトセリー
Jelly from Momotaro Tomatoes
Momotaroo goorudo 桃太郎ゴールド Momotaro Gold Tomatoes
The skin is rather thin.
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These tomatoes are a special kind of "sugar tomatoes シュガートマト" with a high sugar content.

Momotaro tomato amanatto トマト甘納豆
Sweet tomatos with a sugar coating

Momotaro grapes 桃太郎ぶどう momotaroo budoo
are big and green and very sweet. They have no kernels and the skin can be eaten too.
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Momotaro and Daruma ... 桃太郎とだるま

Painted with the wish to recover from illness.
source :  www.eisai.co.jp/museum

One of the "smallpox paintings" . hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 .


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Showa 33 in Shimonoseki
source : www.darmax.co.jp


Chawanmushi served in a Daruma bowl
together with a Momotaro Sushi

桃太郎寿司でだるまの ハンニバル茶碗蒸し
source :  blog.nan-can.com


Bichu, Kurashiki Anko Meguri Stamp Ralley, October 2009
備中・倉敷あんこめぐり スタンプラリー

WASHOKU -Sweets from Okayama

Kurashiki Tenryo Sushi Matsuri / Okayama no Matsuri Sushi
and other festivals in Kurashiki

Bii Kyuu Gurume B級グルメ Grade B Gourmet, Okayama prefecture

Grade B Gourmet Meeting in Tsuyama
B Kyu Gurume .. Festa in Tsuyama
March 20 / 21, 2010 in Tsuyama town


Other dishes from Okayama

amidaikon あみだいこん
amiebi (ami-ebi) shrimp, radish and ginger are cooked with soy sauce, rice wine and sugar. A dish to bring autumn to the region of the Inland sea.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of ami-ebi あみえび!

aounagi, ao-unagi アオウナギ, アオ鰻 blue eel from Bizen Kojima Bay

arasuka アラスカ, arasuka mame アラスカ豆 Alaska green peas
arasuka gohan アラスカご飯 cooked rice with green peas.

barazushi ばらずし バラ寿司)Gemischtes Sushi
In Okayama wird ein reichbestücktes Sushi in einem Teller angerichtet. Auf den Sushi-Reis kommen verschiedene Auflagen, es ist eine Art, die auch „chirashizushi“ genannt wird. Der Segen des Meeres und der Segen der Berge leuchtet in bunten Farben auf dem weißen Reis. Der Regionalfürst von Bizen und Okayama, Ikeda Mitsumasa (1609-1682), erließ damals einen Sparbefehl, nach dem für eine Mahlzeit nur „eine Suppe und ein weitere Speise“ serviert werden durften. Seine schlauen Untertanen umgingen diesen Befehl, indem sie auf einem großen Teller Reis allerlei Fischstücke, Garnelen und andere Meeresfrüchte sowie viele Gemüsesorten der jeweiligen Saison anhäuften. Dieses farbenprächtige Sushi hat sich bis heute erhalten und darf bei keiner Feier oder Festlichkeit fehlen, es wird daher auch „Festtags-Sushi“ (matsurizushi) genannt.

bengara karee ベンガラカレー Bengara Curry from Fukiya Village

dodomese どどめせ sushi rice with mixed ingredients
a kind of takikomi gohan with vinegar, to make a sushi. The beginning of the chirashizushi of Okayama. Already prepared in the Kamakura period. At that time, there was a stop-over for ships from Bizen to Fukuoka, where the takasebune ships used this kind of mixed rice as obento. The original word was doburoku meshi どぶろくめし (doburoku is cloudy white sake rice wine). It is also the origin of Bizen barazushi 備前ばらずし.
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Fagiano Okayama ファジアーノ岡山

icecream from Hiruzen milk
onigiri with mentaiko
Fagi Chicken KATSU Burger ファジチキン勝バーガー
Fagi crepe
Chahan bento チャーハン弁当 fried rice bento
pon juice ポンジュース orange juice

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Fagiano Okayama Football Club is a football club from Okayama, Okayama, Japan. Fagiano currently play in the J. League Division 2, the second-tier professional football league in the country. Fagiano in Italian means "pheasant", and it's a reference to the pheasant that was a companion of local legend character Momotarō. Their mascot Fagi-kun is based on the specific species native to Japan, the Green Pheasant.
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funameshi フナ飯 rice with funa fish

gonboo baagaa ゴンボーバーガー,牛蒡バーガー, ごんぼうバーガー” hamburger with gobo
Ibara town 井原
The town grows a lot of the variety Meiji goboo (gonbo in the local dialect) and puts this vegetable in many dishes. It is also sold as a "station lunch" ekiben.
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hime toogarashi 姫とうがらし roter Pfeffer aus Okutsu
hime togarashi, red hot chili peppers
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It is sold in various preparations, dried, as powder or in hot oil salad dressing. Even Konnyaku is flavored with red chili (konnyaku hime).


Hiruzen Yakisoba 蒜山焼そば fried noodles from Hiruzen
Flavored with miso sauce.
This has become more popular with the B-Kyu Gurmet movement, and even one prizes.
It is an old dish, keeping the tradition of the region. In winter, when snow covered the exit passes fro the highlands, farmers had to make do whith what they could preserve. So each family used some kind of miso pickles and a home-made miso-sauce mix for a "family flavor".
The chicken for this dish come from old hens, which have done their duty laying eggs. It was suggested to use young chicken with softer meat, but that is not the tradition of Hiruzen farmers, so the old ways were revived in this popular noodle dish.
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Hiruzen okowa 蒜山(ひるぜん)おこわ Mochi-Klebreis mit roten Bohnen
und anderem Gemuese aus dem Hiruzen Hochland
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horumon udon ホルモンうどん udon noodles with innards
hormon udon
In the town of Tsuyama 津山市 this is quite popular as one of the B-kyu B 級グルメ second class gourmet foods. It even won third grading in the All Japan B-Kyu events in 2009. It was served at our village sports festival this autumn, look at the delicious photo above!
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they even serve
hormon udon noodles -
villge sports festival

Gabi Greve, October 2009


inoshishi raamen いのししラーメン with wild boar meat
from Niimi town, Okayama 新見市岡山県

kakioko, kaki oko カキオコ omelette with oysters
kaki okonomiyaki ... kakioko was coined in 2008 for promoting the village.
About 10 to 15 oysters per portion are put in a kind of okonomiyaki pizza style omelette with a lot of cut cabbage.
It is also called "Hinase yaki" 日生焼き
from Hinase fishing port 日生地区, near Bizen
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kako no jabujabu 水夫のじゃぶじゃぶ sailor's jabu-jabu
Ushimado 牛窓

karee, furuutsu karee フルーツカレー curry with local fruit
like peaches, persimmons, pione grapes, Momotaro tomatoes and even innards of pork (horumon karee)
Click on the photo to start your walk through our local specialities.

Kasaoka raamen 笠岡ラーメン Kasaoka ramen noodle soup
made only with chicken meat (chikin chaashuu) and chicken soup, since more than 50 years.
After the war, Kasaoka town was surrounded by chicken farms.
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kenbiki-yaki, kenbikiyaki ケンビキ焼き, けんびき焼き
Kenbiki, kembiki in local dialect means "to be tired".
In the local dialect, the first of June, rokugatsu ichinichi, rokugatsu hitohi was pronounced rokkahidee ロッカッヒテエー was one whole day in June when the farmers did the planting of rice seedlings. All villagers would stop their other work and be out in the fields, also called shiromidi シロミテ, white day.
On this day, the kenyiki-yaki, prepared in a hooroku ホウロク earthen pan wrapped in leaves of myoga ginger was offered to the local deities (ujigami 氏神様、内神様) and later eaten by the whole family.
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Recipe see below.

kibimochi, kibi mochi きび餅 mochi with millet
Often mochikibi もちきび flour is used to make it.
They were a substitute for poor farmers who could not afford to use mochigome rice in olden times.
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Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi
from Hiruzen. kokera sushi

kurobuta from Nagi, Sakushuu 作州 black pork meat
Sakushuu kurobuta sushi with sushirice and black beans
yellow nira from Nagi

kusagina kakemeshi くさぎなかけめし
rice with kusagina leaves
From Kibi Chuo Town, Kibi Kogen highlands 吉備高原
kusagina are the leaves from a tree of the verbena officinalis family (kumatsuzura クマツヅラ科), which grows about 3 meters in hight. The leaves are big and eggshaped and have a strong smell. The leaves are dried and eaten as hozonshoku by the hunters of the mountainous area. They are rich in vitamin C and Calcium.
It is now also prepared as a school lunch and sold in packs online.
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mamakari, sappa ままかり(さっぱ) Sardinella zunasi
. . . . . mamakarizushi ままかりずし sushi with mamakari fish

mogai 藻貝 / もがい も貝 small clams
Boiled as tsukudani, put on the bento lunchbox or in miso soup.

mokuzugani 藻屑蟹 / モクズガニ Japanese mitten crab
from Kumenan, along the river Asahigawa 久米南, 旭川


otsukakegohan, o-tsu kakegohan お汁かけごはん
rice with miso sauce
A bowl of local rice is doused with a bowl of miso sauce. A few pickled vegetables as a side dish make a simple farmer's meal.
Kumen Town, Michi no Eki 道の駅久米の里
source : Sanyo Shinbun, December 2009


- new instant ramen soups インスタント ラーメン

gomamiso raamen ごまみそラーメン with sesame seeds and miso paste

momotaroo dango raamen 桃太郎団子ラーメン with chicken meatballs

satoyama raamen 岡山里山ラーメン "Village noodle soup" with mushrooms and all kinds of vegetables

setouchi kaki raamen 瀬戸内カキラーメン from Setuichi, with oysters


sabazushi サバずし / 鯖ずし
Speciality in Northern Okayama prefecture, especially prepared for the autumn festival. The salted fish was brought from Tottori during the Edo period and the farmers could only afford to buy it just after the harvest.
In my village, the farmers wifes offer their handmade sabazushi to friends and family.
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Sakushuu kuro 作州黒 Black beans from Sakushu province
Sakushu is an old name of some northern parts of Okayama prefecture
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sawara no kookozushi サワラのこうこずし

shirasagi komugi しらさぎ小麦 "white heron" type of wheat
good for making udon noodles.
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tai no hamayaki 鯛の浜焼き
sakuradai no hamayaki 櫻鯛の浜焼き
from Kasaoka Town
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Tamagokake gohan TKG 卵かけご飯 boiled rice with raw egg
Misaki Cho, 美咲町. made from tanada mai, rice from the terraced rice fields of Ohaga Nishi 大垪和西.
Ohaga, home of Gabi Greve

. Tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 hammerspawn
legendary reptile souvenir food, Akaiwa and Yoshii

Tsuyama, B Kyu Gurume .. Festa おかやまB級グルメフェスタin 津山
March 20/21, 2010

Urajima renkon 連島レンコン lotus roots from Urajima town
連島町(つらじまちょう). Kurashiki 倉敷市
They are quite delicious when eaten raw. Harvested from late autumn onward.
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They are also trying to make shochu (renkon shooshuu レンコン焼酎) liquor with this roots.


. Oishii o-hanashi Okayama
おいしいおはなし 岡山 .

Literature and Food Event from February to March 2012


- source : kyoudo-ryouri.com/en.. okayama .. -
Bukkake Udon
Hawasabi Sushi
Iidako boiled with soy sauce
Jaku Tempura
Manzen Kabura
Shino Udon
Ujo Golden Sushi

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kintaro, the Golden Boy
Daruma Museum


kibi, millet and
millet dumplings 黍団子(きびだんご) kibi dango
kigo for mid-autumn

ume saku ya inu ni matagaru momotarô

plum blossoms --
riding a dog
the Peach Boy

oi ga yo ni momotaroo mo deyo sute fukube

to an old man's world
Peach Boy, come out!
hollow gourd

Kobayashi Issa

In Issa's journal this is the first haiku of Eighth Month, 1816. Earlier that year, the last haiku of Second Month began with the same first two phrases, but ended with "peach blossoms" (momo no hana). Though the kanji for "gourd" is today read as hisago, Issa read it as fukube. Shinji Ogawa notes that a hollowed fukube could be used as a container or bottle.
In this haiku, "the gourd becomes a magic lamp or a bottle where a Genie comes out, in this case, Peach Boy." He adds, "There is a Japanese phrase, hyootan kara koma which means 'a horse from a gourd' or 'an unexpected thing happened'."
Tr. David Lanoue


Kurashiki  倉敷  is famous for its canals and willow trees. There is a group of elders who go around town with masks and large fans and tap people on the head for good luck.
They walk around as representatives for their friends who are bedridden and can not go out.

suinkyo, su-inkyo 素隠居 (すいんきょ)persons in retirement
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. Suinkyo Matsuri - Festival at Achi Shrine 阿智神社 .

. Toys and Talismans from Japan .

Related words

Momotaro Food / my photos

***** WASHOKU : Local chicken (jidori)

Shoodoshima 小豆島 Shodoshima
Kagawa prefecture, but close to Okayama

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy Dolls .


- #okayama #momotaro -


KYOTO and Kaiseki


Kyoto, the Old Capital of Japan

CLICK for more photosKyoto (京都 Kyōto, Kyooto, Kioto) is a city in the central part of the island of Honshū, Japan. It has a population close to 1.5 million. Formerly the imperial capital of Japan, it is now the capital of Kyoto Prefecture, as well as a major part of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto metropolitan area.

Heian-kyō (平安京 "tranquility and peace capital"), became the seat of Japan's imperial court in 794, beginning the Heian period of Japanese history. In Japanese, the city has been called Kyo (京), Miyako (Miako) (都) or Kyo no Miyako (京の都). Keishi (京師), meaning "metropolis".
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Nishiki Food Market 京都錦市場

..... And though it’s certainly not Japan’s largest or flashiest food market, the things you’ll find here—from just-harvested, flame-orange locally grown carrots, to eels arranged, pretty as necklaces, on their beds of ice, to woven baskets abrim with fresh chestnuts—really do represent the best, the freshest, of Kyoto’s culinary offerings.

Most of the 126 stalls sell just one thing: grilled squid, or omelets, or sugared fruit, or rice balls. It’s the perfect place to come to find a cheap meal or a snack, or just to witness the quality and care with which the Japanese treat even the most ordinary, the most humble, objects of life. After all, that attention to detail and presentation is, as much as the food itself, what makes Japan the place it is.
source : Hanaya Yanagihara


Kaiseki Meal, Kaiseki Ryori 懐石料理
kaiseki ryoori

This meal, written like "a hot stone carried in your robe to keep the belly warm", started off as a small meal before the tea ceremony, consisting of one soup dish and three vegetable dishes. The meaning was to keep the stomach and breast warm, to carry over the hunger until the real meal was served.
The meal was served warm, a way to "show" that the kitchen was close by, the host was a poor and humble man.

It then evolved into one of the most elaborate food preparation of Japan, written with the meaning "to meet and sit down" 会席料理, as did the feudal lords with their entourage. These meals were served cold, since the host was rich and had a large estate, with the kitchen in a different section of the manor.
Its arrangements on special seasonal dishes are a feast for the eye. The daimyo had access to all kinds of food, from fresh fish to animals of the forest and could serve expensive tidbids.

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Order of the dishes served

Originally, kaiseki comprised a bowl of miso soup and three side dishes. It has since evolved to include an appetizer, sashimi, a simmered dish, a grilled dish, and a steamed course, in addition to other dishes at the discretion of the chef.

Sakizuke: an appetizer similar to the French amuse-gueule.
Hassun: the second course, which sets the seasonal theme. Typically one kind of sushi and several smaller side dishes.
Mukozuke: a sliced dish of seasonal sashimi.
Takiawase: vegetables served with meat, fish or tofu; the ingredients are simmered separately.
Futamono: a "lidded dish"; typically a soup.

Yakimono: Broiled seasonal fish.
Su-zakana: a small dish used to clean the palate, such as vegetables in vinegar.
Hiyashi-bachi: served only in summer; chilled, lightly-cooked vegetables.
Naka-choko: another palate-cleanser; may be a light, acidic soup.
Shiizakana: a substantial dish, such as a hot pot.

Gohan: a rice dish made with seasonal ingredients.
Ko no mono: seasonal pickled vegetables.
Tome-wan: a miso-based or vegetable soup served with rice.
Mizumono: a seasonal dessert; may be fruit, confection, ice cream, or cake.
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ainame to tamagodofu no haru-wan ...Frühlingsschale mit Eierstich und Fisch
haru no sakizuke ...Kleines Frühlingsgericht


Hassun 八寸
contains three different tastes:
from the mountains, yama no mono 山のもの
from the field, no no mono 野のもの
from the sea, umi no mono 海のもの
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kaiseki 会席料理
This is a more informal banquet-type meal served in Kyoto restaurants together with ricewine, whilst the
kaiseki 懐石料理 is served with tea.

kappoo ryoori 割烹料理 kappo food
Kappoo, Kappo, a simpler style of Kaiseki Food

obansai / obanzai おばんさい / お晩彩 /御晩菜
home-cooking of vegetables and small dishes from Kyoto
originall writen お番采 ("vegetables on duty", normal vegetable)
Kyoo no obansai 京のおばんさい / 京のおばんざい obanzai
lit. like this お晩彩 "colors for the evening"
CLICK for more photos traditional home-style cuisine
It has all the flavor of vegetarian temple cuisine, imperial court cuisine, tea ceremony kaiseki cuisine and more of the refinement of Kyoto cooking.
Most dishes are made from vegetables.

CLICK for more photos of OMAWARI It was also called "Omawari おまわり" already since the court cooking of the Heian period, when one dish of rice was surrounded by up to six small plates with side dishes.
Another word is "Ozayoo" お雑用 "variuos things" or
mainichi no okazu 毎日のおかず food of every day

Many old homes keep a yearly diary, called "saichuu oboe" 歳中覚, where the various dishes for special days are recorded since more than 200 years and passed on to the housewife by her mother in law.
Not a bit of any vegetable is wasted and left-over food has to be rearranged to a delicious obanzai on the next day.
Now ther is even Kaiseki Obanzai おばんざい懐石 and Obanzai Baikingu おばんざいバイキング (self-service) restaurants.

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Reference : Kyoto Obansai
Reference : Kyoto Obanzai

Nanzenji no toofu ryoori 南禅寺の豆腐料理
Vegetarian and tofu dishes from temple Nanzenji


For Kyoto, the fresh drinking water was essential and supported the many tea houses and tea masters and also the shops making sweets and kaiseki and other food.
KIYOMIZU 清水 and fresh drinking water

みたらしだんご mitarashi dango, dumplings with sauce
from Shimogamo Shrine, with special well water

Well near the Sweet Shop Kameya Yoshinaga
Samega-i 醒ケ井 "Wake-up well"
Reference : "Samegai Well"

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Other dishes from Kyoto

Kyooyasai, kyoyasai, kyosai 京野菜 / 京菜 Vegetables from Kyoto.
Gemüse aus Kyoto, Kyoto-Gemüse, Kyoo-yasai
Kujoonegi, Kujoo negi, Kujonegi 九条葱(くじょうねぎ)
leek from Kujo in Kyoto

Kamonasu no dengaku 賀茂なすの田楽
round eggplants with miso paste, served on the "riverbed restaurants" 川床 kawadoko, dining decks on the river Kamogawa. A custom since the 16th century in summer.
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Reference : Kawadoko Dining in Kyoto

. . . . . also
kawadoko ryoori 川床料理
near shrine Kibune Jinja 貴船神社 served in the forest restaurants along the clean river.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 貴船の川床料理

. kawayuka 川床(かわゆか)riverbed veranda  and more related KIGO

Kyoo tsukemono 京漬物 pickles from Kyoto
see below, senmaizuke, shibazuke.

furofuki daikon ふろふきだいこん boiled radish with kombu and a bit of yuzu
with radish from Temple Shogo-In 聖護院

mizuna to oage no taitan みず菜とおあげの炊いたん boiled vegetables and mizuna leaves


Lake Biwa, (Biwako 琵琶湖)
and its Fish Cuisine 琵琶湖料理

burakku basu ryoori ブラックバス 料理 dishes with black bass
large-mouth bass Micropterus salmoides
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There are a lot in Lake Biwa (Biwako 琵琶湖) , from collectors who did not want to keep them any more, and they do a lot of damage to the lake ecology. Many say they are not tasty. But as tempura, they are now a cheap hit.
basu tenpura バス天ぷら Udon with black bass tempura
burakku basu don ブラックバス丼 tempura on rice
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Recently the biodiversity of the lake has suffered greatly due to the invasion of foreign fish, the black bass and the bluegill. Bluegill were presented to the Emperor and later freed in the lake as a food source for other fish. Black bass were introduced as a sport fish.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Schwarzer Barsch, Grossmaul-Barsch

isaza 魦 いさざ Lake Biwa goby, Chaenogobius isaza
Grundelart, der Isaza
isaza nabe いさざ鍋 hodgepodge
isaza to harusame no su no mono いさざと春雨の酢のもの with harusame noodles and vinegar
isaza to ebi no gomoku age いさざとえびの五目揚げ fried with small shrimp
isaza no nimono いさざの煮物 simmered goby

ko-ayu no tenpura こあゆの天ぷら tempura from small sweetfish
ko-ayu no amazu-ni こあゆの甘酢煮 small sweetfish simmered in sweet vinegar

ko-ebi no age-ni 小えびの揚げ煮 fried and simmered small shrimp

sujiebi, suji-ebi 藻えび / mo-ebi もえび (藻蝦)
middle-shrimp, Metapenaeus intermedius
suji-ebi no kaki-age すじえぴのかき揚げ fried suji shrimp
suji-ebi iri poteto kurokke すじえび入りポテトコロッケ potato croquettes with suji shrimp
. . . CLICK here for suji ebi Photos !

kani, kaki, buri ryoori
Fish and Seafood dishes in Winter
They come mostly from the Sea of Japan, like Echizen crabs and oysters and yellowtail.

Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake, is located at the center of this prefecture:
Shiga Prefecture - Regional Dishes


amadai あまだい sweet tai tilefish
Lopholatilus chamealeonticeps

azukimeshi, azuki-meshi 小豆飯 rice with red adzuki beans
Cooked on auspicious occasions for the birth of a child, first day of school and so on. The type Dainagon Azuki from Tanba is used. Rice is partly normal rice, partly mochigome soft rice, and a bit of salt is used for the flavor.
dainagon azuki 大納言あずき

barazushi, bara sushi ばらずし Barazushi
a kind of chirashizushi
It is made mostly with kanbutsu dried ingredients, some local vegetables and boiled shrimp for some red color. Slices of fried egg for yellow.
Prepared for festivals,especially the Doll Festival on March 3.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

bubuzuke ぶぶづけ/ ぶぶ漬け ochazuke from Kyoto お茶漬け

chirimen sanshoo ちりめん山椒 boiled small fish with Japanese pepper
chirimenjako ちりめんじゃこ【縮緬雑魚】 are small salted boiled fish babies.
Together you have the bounty of the sea and of the mountains (umi no sachi / yama no sachi). It tasts nice on white rice.

detchi yookan でっち羊羹 / 丁稚(でっち)ようかん sweet bean jelly
also eaten in Shiga.

Ekijuutoo Ekijuto 益寿糖 "Sugar for a longer life"

Gion doofu 祇園豆腐 Gion Tofu the Niken Chaya Shop 二軒茶屋

fujizushi, fuji sushi 藤寿司 (ふじすし)"wisteria sushi"
sushi with black beans. Black beans from Tanba 丹波黒大豆 are used for this festive sushi. The rice is cooked with the boiling broth of the black beans and thus becomes gray. Later vinegar is added and it changes to a bright red-violett (like the flower fuji wisteria.

funazushi ふなずし fermented funa fish sushi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
a kind of narezushi, fermented fish and rice
kigo for summer

Fushimi toogarashini, togarashi-ni
boiled chillies from Fushimi
Fushimi toogarashi 伏見とうがらし, see Kyoto Vegetables.
Made in summer to get an appetite.


hamo 鱧 (はも) pike conger pike, pike eel and the Gion Festival
. . . Hamo no kawa 鱧の皮 (はものかわ)skin of the conger pike; pike eel
kigo for summer
Muraenesox cinereus. dragontooth

heshiko へしこ pickled saba mackerel for one year
Saba or iwashi from the Tango Seaside is marinated.
also eaten in Fukui.

hiuo 氷魚 (ひうお) small ayu trout
The "Diamonds of lake Biwa". 琵琶湖のダイヤモンド
They are rather small and have a shiny skin. Served grilled, even the head is grilled while stuck into a net and then all is eaten.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

honmoroko, hon moroko 本諸子, ホンモロコ, 諸子 (もろこ)
Gnathopogon elongatus
small kind of carp.
It is eaten in Kyoto as a very expensive fish. Now farmers in Tottori are growing it in old rice paddies and sell it to Kyoto.
kigo for all spring
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


imoboo 芋棒(いもぼう) "potatoes like a stick", long taro
cooked with cod fish.
made from famous taro potatoes "like shrimp" ebi-imo 海老芋 (えびいも), also known as Kyoo imo 京芋(きょういも) potato from Kyoto, imobo, which grow near the temple Toji 東寺. They have been introduced to Kyoto by a prince of the imperial family, Hirano Gondayu 平野権太夫, from Kyushu, first called "taro from China" (too no imo 唐芋(とうのいも), around 1725. Now they are cooked or mixed with potatoes from Hokkaido.
Reference : Imobo Hirano-ya Honten, Kyoto

itokojiru いとこ汁 vegetable miso soup "Nephew soup"
"the soup", shirumono 汁もの
From Nagaoka, with local eggplants, pumpkins and red beans, in miso and soy sauce.
It is especially prepared in the village of Joododani 浄土谷 on the night of Obon (august 13) to welcome the ancestors' souls (o-shoorai san おしょらいさん(精霊)).
The dish is simple but healthy and has been given as schoo lunch too.
The name comes from putting the vegetables in the broth, like 追い追い OI OI, which could alse be spelled 甥、甥, meaning "nephew".
see also
Itokoni いとこ煮、従弟煮 "Boiled Nephews"
from Yamaguchi prefecture


. Karakki からっキー a mascot for red hot pepper  

kayaku gohan かやく御飯, kayaku meshi かやく飯
a kind of gomoku gohan, eaten in Kansai.
with vegetables, fish and meat.

Kayaku ... 加薬 (かやく) addition or adjuvant
Add medicine to your food.

Kenchinjiru けんちんじる(巻繊汁) vegetable soup
also from temple Kenchoji, Kamakura. けんちん汁
In some areas they put in new vegetables with the left-over broth and heat it up again. This soup is then called KENCHAN けんちゃん.

kinome-ni,kinomeni 木の芽煮 simmered tree buds of sanshoo pepper
The leaves and fruit of the Japanese pepper tree are simmered in sweet soy sauce like tsukudani. This mixture is very pungent and can be eaten on top of white rice.
CLICK here for PHOTOS !

kuromameni, kuromame-ni 黒豆煮 boilded black beans with rice
from Tamba beans
Auspicious food for the New Year im memory of winning a battle (kachi ikusa 勝ち戦). Some add boiled chestnuts. Sometimes a rusty nail is added when boiling.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kyoo kurorooru kuromaru 京黒ロール /くろまる
roll cake with black bamboo coal from Arashiyama and namkuriimu cream inside.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Minazuki 水無月Kyoto sweets for June
with a layer of red azuki beans

nattoomochi, nattoo mochi 納豆餅(なっとうもち)
From Tango. They are eaten on the three days of the New Year instead of the usual zooni soup. They are about 15 cm in diameter and round. Natto fermented soy beans is smeared around the white mochi.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nikuman 肉饅頭(にくまんじゅう) steamed bun with meat, and the initials of "old capital"
From Ebisu Rakuan restaurant in Kyoto

nishinnasu, nishin nasu にしんなす herring and eggplants
since Kyoto was far away from the coast, dried fish was used for this dish. A typical summer dish.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


sabazushi 鯖寿司 makerel sushi
saba no boozushi さばの棒寿司 long makerel sushi
pressed sushi made with cured, marinated makerel

. . . . . guji ぐじ tilefish
Wakasa guji,specialty of the Wakasa peninsula and one of the finest ingredients in Japanese cooking. Salted Wakasa Guji used to be sent to Kyoto via the Mackerel-Road (saba kaido 鯖街道) along with salted mackerels and Wakasa flatfish, as they are important ingredients for Kyoto cuisine.

WASHOKU : makerel road (saba kaidoo 鯖街道、さばかいどう)


. Saga doofu 嵯峨豆腐 Tofu from Saga, Arashiyama
Tofu shop Morika 森嘉(もりか) 

Saikyoo miso 西京味噌 Saikyo miso from western Kyoto
a kind of white miso paste
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
..... also akadashi miso

sasamaki, sasa-maki, chimaki 笹巻き / ちまき
sweets wrapped in a bamboo grass leaf
auspicious food eaten on the Boy's Day in May, the middle day of the year, 11 days after the summer equinox (半夏生(hangeshooはんげしょう). uruchi rice and mochigome rice are blended 7:3 . They are formed to long sticks, four are bound together and steamed.
sasa, Sasa japonica.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
During the Gion Festival in July the wrapping only is sold as a talisman. You can tie it to your front door for protection from evil influence and disease for your family.

senmaizuke せんまい漬け / 千枚漬 pickled trunips
"1000 slices"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Seta shijimi
corbicula from Seta (瀬田蜆) and the Seta Bridge

Shibazuke しば漬け / 柴漬け 
Perilla pickles with eggplant
From Ohara 大原

Shookadoo Bentoo 松花堂弁当 Shokado Bento Lunchbox

Sukiyaki from Mishima Tei すき焼きno 三嶋亭

suppon nabe すっぽんなべ suppon turtle stew
kigo for all winter
Has a tradition of more than 300 years in Kyoto.
Washoku : Nabe Hodgepodge Food


Taizagani 間人蟹 (たいざがに)zuwaigani crabs from Taiza port
At the Tango sea of Japan.
This is a small port with only five ships, whidh make the tour every day and bring the fresh crabs to the harbor for sale. They are said to be the best you can get in Kyoto.
The egg of the female are of two types,
sotoko 外子 outer eggs
uchiko 内子 inner eggs
These female crabs are also called KOPPEGANI こっぺがに and the eggs are mixed with rice for a simple but delicious
koppedon こっぺ丼 bowl of rice with one female Matsuba crab
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Tanba matsutake 丹波松茸
pine mushrooms from the Tamba region

Tango no barazushi 丹後のばらずし sushi rice with scattered ingredients
(a kind of gomokukzushi)
for the autumn festival in Tango. Farmers give it away to people who helped them with the harvest. They have a special wooden container to make it (matsubuta sushi まつぶた寿司). It is a very colorful sushi, with sansho Japanese pepper leaves for green, egg for yellow and red pickled ginger.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
... other types of barazushi ばら寿司 eaten of festive days.

tochimochi, tochi-mochi 栃もち / とち餅 / とちもち dumplings from horse chestnuts
The chestnuts have to be watered and the bitterness taken off by rinsing them in fresh mountain creeks. They are then mixed with mochigome rice. When fried and some sugar and soy sauce is added, they taste quite nice. It was a food for poor farmers in mountainous regions to make it over the winter months.
Also eaten in Tottori and many other mountainous parts of Japan.
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WASHOKU : Ujicha, Uji-cha 宇治茶 tea from Uji
The most famous Uji tea in Kyoto, already used by Sen no Rikyu.

unagi chazuke 鰻茶漬け eel on rice with green Uji tea.
From Ujidahara Village 宇治田原町

uzumidoofu, uzumi tofu, uzumi dofu うずみ豆腐 "tofu burried in rice"
uzumaru 埋まる lit. means to be burried under something.
It can be freshly cooked white rice or rice gruel (kayu) or mochigome sticky rice.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

wagashi 和菓子


Yahata-maki やはたまき (八幡巻き) anago and eel roll with local burdock

Yanaka shooga 谷中生姜 Yanaka stem ginger

yatsuhashi, nama yatsuhashi 生八ッ橋
Yatsuhashi, Iris Bridge Cake, やつはし 八橋
The name is a reference to the famous Tales of Genji.

Yuba 湯葉/湯波/油皮 soymilk skin

Yudoofu, tofu in boiling water ... 湯豆腐
..... yuyakko 湯奴
kigo for all winter

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Reference : Kyoto Kaiseki

Dining in Kyoto
Kyoto Yuka Outdoor Dining
Kyoto Beer Gardens, Halls and Restaurants
source : www.kyotoguide.com


Kaiseki Food for the Seasons
WKD Library

Find out where (and what) the locals are eating from some longtime residents of Kyoto, both ex pat and Japanese here on Kyoto Foodie!
source : kyotofoodie.com / Kyoto Foodie!

04 special kaiseki

Local Kaiseki Boxes from Okayama


..... WKD . Edo and Kyoto, Capitals of Japan
"Blossom Capital" flourishing town (hana no miyako 花の都)


Haiku about the hio trouts

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


hio yasete tsuki no shizuku to tokenu beshi

Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規


hio kueba sese no ajirogi mitaki kana 

Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々 [1869~1937]
born in Osaka

ajirogui 網代杙(あじろぐい) is a kigo for winter


funazushi ya Hikone no shiro ni kumo kakaru

crucian carp sushi -
the castle of Hikone
is wrapped in clouds

Yosa Buson 蕪村


composing haiku -
more difficult than
composing a meal

Gabi Greve

Related words

WASHOKU : more about Kyoto dishes

Tenzoo 典座 Tenzo kyokun, the Zen cook teachings

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes


Kagawa Prefecture


Kagawa 香川 / Takamatsu

Kotohira, Konpira
Shodoshima (shoodoshima 小豆島)


Since 2012, Kagawa is "renaming" itself into

Udon ken うどん県 ”Udon noodles prefecture"

The new mascot has noodles in its brain . . .


CLICK for more udon no business ideas !

うどん脳 Udon No Brain

Udon no debuted Monday as the mascot of Kagawa, which has been billing itself as "Udon Prefecture" since last fall. The noodle-brained mascot will be used to help promote Kagawa as the kingdom of the wheat-flour noodle.

"I am the same (as the character) in that the only thing in my brain is udon,"
said Shigeki Omine, chairman of the association.
source : english.kyodonews.jp


Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride Marugame, Sanuki


Shoodoshima 小豆島

オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島
shoodoshima, shoodojima
Olives Chocolate, Olive chocolate ! オリーブチョコレート
200 sweets olive chocolate Shodoshima

. . . . . also
olive tempura オリーブ天ぷら deep fried olives on a stick each
オリーブの実のかき揚げ oriibu no mi no kakiage

olive cider オリーブサイダー from the juice left over after pressing.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

CLICK for more japanese information
オリーブを守る会 Group to protect the Olives


shima soomen, 島そうめん soomen noodles expanded by hand
from Shodoshima 小豆島

somen from Shoodoshima

source :  www.pref.kagawa.jp with recipe
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 flower from sweet potatoes
kankoro dango かんころ団子 balls of sweet potato flower
kankoro soba かんころそば noodles with sweet potato flour and wheat flour

kabocha taikai カボチャ大会 the biggest pumpkin show
Giant Pumpkin Show
The Winner was 530 kg in 2008.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
„Fest der großen Kürbise“ Insel Shodoshima

肥田乳業 小豆島町草壁本町
yoghurt-like drinks in many flavors,
coffee, milk, low fat and rakubisu

tsukudani, 貝と蕗の佃煮 sweetly simmered seafood and seaweed
still made by hand in many family enterprizes.

List of enterprizes in Shoodoshima with
Sake 1, soy sauce 17, tsukudani 15, Soomen 63, olives 2,
source : www.olive.or.jp / food


ishikirizushi ishikiri sushi 石切ずし "stone cutters sushi"
stone masons sushi
From Shodoshima. The stones of this island were cut and transported to Osaka for the construction of Osaka Castle. Now this famous sushi is prepared for festivals or memorial services.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sekkoo no nomi hiyashitaru shimizu kana

fresh spring water
cools the chisel
of the stone mason . . .

Written in 1768
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


warigo bentoo わりご弁当 lunchbox for the kabuki performance
every family has its own box, like the ROKUBEN.


anago no nama sushi 穴子の生寿司 sushi with life anago fish

gakimeshi, kawameshi 餓鬼めし(川めし) rice cooked by the riverside
for the O-Bon festival

igizudoofu いぎす豆腐 toofu with igizu seaweed
igizu いぎす/ 海髪. kind of nori
it looks rather yellow.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Tofu mit Igizu-Seegras

kakimaze, omaze かきまぜ(おまぜ) rice mixed with ingredients

kintoki mame 金時豆 red kintoki beans
Phaseolus vulgaris
They grow in many parts of the prefecture since the Edo period.
Used for tempura 金時豆の天ぷら. kintokimame tenpura and
mamepan 豆パン buns with red beans
kintokimame, nimame 煮豆 "beans to be boiled"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
They are often prepared with sugar coating for amanatto 甘納豆 sweet natto.

naracha meshi 奈良茶飯 Ricegruel
from the Toodai-ji Temple of Nara, here for more than 400 years.

source :  www.pref.kagawa.jp


Shimahide Senbei 志ま秀せんべい えびせん
志満秀 Shimahide
Shimahide shrimp cracker
198 Ritsurin ebisen with picture unscharf senbei
with the landscape of Ritsurin Park made by ebi and nori.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . CLICK here for 志満秀 Photos !
wasanbon ebisen
source :  www.shimahide.com/ Details about the making.


shooyumame 醤油豆 しょうゆ豆 shoyu mame, broad beans simmered in soy sauce
しょい豆 shoimame. Fava beans. soramame . Saubohnen
153 Sanuki shooyu mame

An old grandmother wanted to give some food to the pilgrims as osettai. She roasted some broad beans in an earthen pot (hooroku). Some fell off and into a pot where she had kept a bit of soy sauce. She picked these beans out after a while and ... whow, they tasted really good and soft! Thus these beans were born.

My Japanese Text for these beans

ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒 / お歯黒 blackening teeth with braod beans extract


gaarikku musume ガーリック娘 "Garlic daughter" oil with garlic taste
ninniku oiru ニンニクオイル
from Kotohira 琴平, where the second most garlic of Japan is produced


Sanuki no Shokubunka 讃岐の食文化

讃岐うどん Sanuki udon noodles

Sanuki Udon, my photos

. Sanuki Udon Poster in English .

Sanuki Udon Henro 讃岐うどん遍路 Pilgrimage for Udon noodles
List of restaurants with the best udon noodles
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Named after the famous Shikoku pilgrimage, Henro.

kenmenshiki 献麺式 offering Sanuki udon to the gods
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
On June the second, the day of udon, many udon-makers bring their special sanuki udon to the shrine Nakano Tenmangu 中野天満宮 / 滝宮天満宮 in Takamatsu.
They also hold the Sanuki Udon Festival さぬきうどん祭り.
The 2nd of July is the
Day of Udon うどんの日 udon no hi

- quote -
Sanuki Udon Karuta 讃岐うどんカルタ playing cards
Noodle playing cards withdrawn over political correctness concern
. . . the prefecture, which has been promoting itself as “Udon Prefecture” since 2011, had something of a damper Tuesday when it announced a halt to sales of a new product to popularize the noodles in the rest of the country. One of its “Udon Karuta” playing cards for the New Year was feared to be politically incorrect.
The playing cards,
each bearing a poem on the theme of udon, were released by the prefectural government on Saturday after soliciting submissions of such poems from across Japan.

強いコシ 色白太目 まるで妻

“Strong koshi, fair-skinned, chubby, just like my wife,”
is a poem in traditional haiku mode intended to celebrate Kagawa’s famous Sanuki udon noodles. Koshi is a Japanese word for the “crunchiness” of noodles but as it can also be taken as referring to a person’s “hips” the poem was deemed potentially offensive to women.
..... The government of Kagawa had prepared 2,000 sets of the cards for sale.
- source : japantoday.com December 2015 -

- - - - - External LINKS
うずまきもち uzumakimochi
ひっかりずし hikkarizushi sushi
イギス豆腐 igisu toofu
豆茶飯 mame chahan
あなごの生 anago no nama
もちばな mochibana
えびみそ汁 ebimisojiru
もっそう飯 mossoo gohan
あさり雑炊 asari zoosui
なすびごはんnasubi gohan

......................................... local food products

麦味そ mugimiso miso
オリーブ oriibu, olives

つわぶき tsuwabuki
イタドリ itatori
ヤーコン yaagon
こんにゃく konnnyaku
里芋 satoimo
山芋 yamaimo
よもぎ yomogi
うばuba, budoo mame ぶどう豆、ぶど豆
uba dango

Seisan chihoo of Kagawa, 西讃 Western Sanuki

Sanuki udon are served for the ceremony when a new home is finished. It is customary that the people of the new home and the visitors sit in the new bath (ofuro) and eat the noodles there in the water. Yes.
And also if someone makes a renewal of his bathroom only, this eating in the water takes place.
futoku, nagaku ... for the new situation, may it be long and good.

also when moving to a new home, hikkoshi udon 引越しうどん
are eaten in the full bathtub.
CLICK for more photos

katokichi 加ト吉 changed the name to
table mark テーブルマーク Table Mark.
specializing in frozen food, located in Kagawa.


aji no sanbai 魚(あじ)の三杯 horse mackerel with sanbai vinegar
prepared for the summer festival to entertain visitors. The bones are soft and can be eaten too.

aosazoosui あおさ雑炊 rice gruel with aosa sea lettuce
dashi, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, mirin, soy sauce and mochi make this dish.

chishamomi ちしゃもみ chisha lettuce dish
prepared for spring festivals.
萵苣 chisha.
with iriko and chirimenjako, flavored with vinegar miso.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

dojoojiru どじょう汁 soup with loach
After the field work is done, the dojoo are fat and ready to eat. Prepared with thick udon noodles and vegetables. Best eaten with all together.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fushimen ふしめん soomen noodles from Shodoshima
Best made in the cold months of November till March. Prepared with a simple broth.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

honetsukidori 骨付鳥(ほねつきどり) fried chicken with the bones
From Marugame town 丸亀市
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hyakka 万葉(ひゃっか)"onethousand leaves"
This is a special green leaf vegetable of Kagawa prefecture,the naming is of Western Sanuki. It is quite bitter and needs to be soaked in water over night to get rid of the bitterness (akunuku). It can then be prepared like hakusai or komatsuna leaves.
In Takamatsu, it is called "manba". takana, oona 高菜(大からし菜)
ひゃっかのドレッシングあえ hyakka no doresshingu ae RP
kigo for summer

. Takana 高菜 mustard greens .

imotako いもたこ octopus and satoimo potatoes
also with dengaku miso or nigorogashi. The octopus is fresh from the Inland Sea. This dish combines the bounty of the mountains and of the sea.

irikomeshi, iriko meshi いりこ飯 rice with little sardines
from katakuchi iwashi (anchovis). The fish are boiled for a moment, then dried and later added when the rice is cooked or mixed to the finished cooked rice .

kankanzushi kankan sushi (hottarazushi) カンカンずし(ほったらずし)
Prepared in large amounts to last for a few days, with a lot of salted fish. It is pressed into its form with a heavy hammer, hence the name imitating the sound "kan kan". Prepared from old family recipes.

kuromame no gomokuni 黒豆の五目煮 mixed ingredients and black beans
Especially eaten for the New Year, with the wish to work diligently (mame).

manba no kenchan まんばのけんちゃん fried leafy vegetables
manba is a kind of takana leafy vegetable. It is fried, abura-age and dashi are added. kenchan derived from kenchin けんちん【巻繊】 , the edges and fringes of leafy vegetables.
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. managatsuo マナガツオ 真名鰹, (まながつお) pomfret
off the shore of Sanuki 

nimono no tenpura 煮物てんぷら "
Tempura from boiled vegetables"
Leftovers from boiled vegetables are put into a coating and deep-fried again for another delicious meal up to three days after the first boiling.

oshinukizushi oshinuki sushi 押し抜きずし
from fava beans and sawara. In some areas, the new bride of the home would prepare some with the flavor of her mother-in-law, take it home to her own family and show off with her new recipe.

rakkasei no amani 落花生の甘煮 sweet simmered peanuts
From the islands 女木島、男木島 near Takamatsu, where peanuts are planted. Prepared in autumn. Peanuts simmered in saltwater, added to the black beans for the New Year food. The soft skin is kept on the peanuts for extra nutrition. The final flavor comes with salt and sugar.

satsuma さつま Black mullet dishes
Prepared in Western Sanuki. Black mullet is boiled, grated finely and poored over rice with wheat. Sometimes miso or dashi is used for flavor.

shippoku soba しっぽくそば buckwheat noodles with vegetables
Even in a "noodle country" like Sanuki, in the cold winter buckwheat noodles are eaten, because it warms the body. Fish dashi, radish, carrots, satoimo potatoes, aburaage tofu and other things are boiled together for a good broth.

shippoku udon うどん(しっぽく) udon noodles with vegetables
Prepared in the winter months. Vegetables of the season are boiled and thrown over the udon noodles. Some homes eat it instead of the "toshikoshi soba" on December 31 to pass over to the new year.

sofuto toofu ソフト豆腐 "soft tofu"
made from kinugoshi, with a bit less water.

sugatazushi sugata sushi 姿ずし "sushi keeping the form"
Prepared in Shodoshima island from summer to autumn. Freshly fished Horse mackerel is used.

suiki no nutaae ずいきのぬたあえ
satoimo potato stems with vinegared miso paste
The stem of satoimo potatoes is called suiki. It is soft and not too bitter.
Served for the autumn festival to thank for the harvest.

taimeshi たい飯 seabream with rice
Prepared for the workers when they came back home after a working ship trip to Osaka.

takuan no kinpira たくあんのキンピラ Kinpira from takuan radish
Takuan pickled radish is washed and dried, then fried in the pan with oil, soy sauce, mirin, chili peppers and so on.

teppai てっぱい crucian carp dish
prepared from autumn to winter, after the busy farmers season.
The fields are drained of water and the remaining fish are eaten. With white miso, sugar and a bit of vinegar and salt. Sometimes radish. Nowadays saba fish is used too.
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uchikomijiru 打ち込み汁 "soup with anything thrown in"
A common dish of the farmers. With seasonal vegetables and miso flavor. Noodles are added

wakegiae, wakegi ae わけぎあえ wakegi leek with dressing
Best prepared in spring for the Doll Festival. Boiled with shells and asari shells, white miso, karashi mustard, sugar and vinegar.

wasanbon 和三盆 Japanese sugar from Kagawa and Tokushima, Shikoku


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173 Starbucks mit Musikorgel
176 izakaya akachoochin Takamatsu
207 dango in Ritsurin park

 ... and more Photos from Takamatsu

Worldwide use

Shoodoshima, eine kulinarische Insel

„Unsere Gegend ist sehr steil und wir haben nur wenig Platz zwischen dem Meer und dem Bergwald. Da wächst kein Reis. Wir machen fast alles mit Süßkartoffeln.“ Frau Murakami Kazue von der Halbinsel Mito schiebt ihren Schubkarren auf einem schmalen Pfad entlang dem Haus nach oben auf eines der kleinen Terrassenfelder, wo ihre Süßkartoffeln wachsen. Oben angekommen hockt sie sich erst mal erschöpft auf die Steinmauer, sie ist nämlich schon weit über 80 Jahre. „Ich habe das Leben und Kochen hier von meiner Schwiegermutter gelernt, aber meine Söhne sind in die Stadt abgewandert und ich hab keine Schwiegertochter mehr, der ich den Geschmack unserer Familie weitergeben kann. Ich bin hier die letzte der Familie“, klagt sie wie viele alte Bauern im ländlichen Japan.
Dann beschreibt sie ihre Lieblingsgerichte mit den Süßkartoffeln.

Für „Kankoro-Mehl“ werden die Süßkartoffeln in Scheiben von einem Zentimeter Dicke geschnitten und an der Sonne getrocknet, dabei hilft im Winter der kalte Wind vom Meer und die Scheiben rollen dabei hin und her mit dem Geräusch koron koron ... daher der Name. Die getrockneten Scheiben werden im Steinmörser zerrieben und das Mehl für verschiedene Speisen verwendet. Weil auch die Schalen mitgetrocknet werden, bekommt das Mehl eine etwas braune Farbe.
Für die „Kankoro-Nudeln“ wird 70% Mehl von den Süßkartoffeln mit 30% Weizenmehl vermischt und daraus Nudeln geknetet. Die Dashi wird aus kleinen Sardinen gekocht. Die von Hand geschnittenen dicken Nudeln werden für eine einfache Mahlzeit in eine Schale gelegt, mit der Dashi übergossen und mit etwas geriebenem Ingwer und klein geschnittenen Frühlingszwiebeln gewürzt.

Aus dem Kankoro-Mehl werden auch kleine Bällchen (kankoro dango) geformt, die oft noch den Abdruck von Mutters Fingern haben und als kleiner Imbiss am Nachmittag beliebt sind.

Die Ranken der Süßkartoffeln liefern ein süßgesimmertes Gemüse (tsukudani) für die Inselbewohner. Sie werden mit Sojasauce und Kombu eingekocht.

Eingekochtes auf Tsukudani-Art
Tsukudani dieser Art mit verschiedenen anderen Zutaten ist seit 1945 eine Spezialität von Shoodoshima und es gibt einige Hersteller mit eigenen Rezepten, die noch von Hand einkochen. Ausgesuchtes Kombu von Hokkaido und Seegras von der Inlandsee werden mit der einheimischen Sojasauce eingekocht. Dabei müssen sie die Zutaten in den großen Töpfen mehr als zwei Stunden mit einem besonders langen Spatel umrühren. Die Inselbewohner essen ihr Tsukudani nicht nur auf Reis, sonder auch auf Toast, ganz moderne sogar auf einer Lage mit Käse oder Mayonnaise.

Die Sojasauce von Shoodoshima hat eine Geschichte von mehr als 400 Jahren; sie wird auch heute noch in Familienbetrieben überwiegend von Hand in großen hölzernen Fässern zubereitet. Die Hersteller entwickeln neben den traditionellen Sorten immer wieder neue Geschmacksrichtungen, um sich an die Wünsche ihrer modernen Kunden anzupassen. Selbst Pudding mit dem Geschmack von Sojasauce wird angeboten und von den Kindern mit großem Vergnügen verspeist.

Die Herstellung von langen dünnen von Hand ausgezogenen Weizennudeln (tenobe soomen) begann bereits im 16. Jahrhundert und hat bis heute nichts an ihrem traditionellen Geschmack verloren; sie werden hier einfach „Nudeln der Insel“ (shima soomen) genannt. Im Winter haben die Bauern Zeit genug, um die Nudeln sorgfältig mehr als zwei Tage lang von Hand auf lange Stäbe zu reihen und langsam zu strecken. Ein Bündel Shoodoshima-Soomen wiegt nach altem Brauch etwa 50 Gramm und enthält 320 bis 350 Nudeln von 19 Zentimeter Länge.
Gegessen werden sie hier noch nach der Tradition aus einem großen Holzbottich, im Sommer im kalten Wasser schwimmend, im Winter in heißer Brühe. Alle kommen zusammen und stecken ihre „tausend Essstäbchen“ (senbonbashi) in den Bottich, streiten sich lachend um gleichzeitig gemeinsam ergriffene Nudeln und stärken so die Bande der Gemeinschaft im Dorf.

Shoodoshima wird auch die „Insel der Oliven“ genannt. Die ersten Olivenbäume kamen 1908 aus Amerika und der Anbau im Dorf Nishimura begann bald in großem Rahmen, da sich das milde Klima und die relative Trockenheit dieser Gegend für die Pflanzen als günstig erwies.
Olivenöl für kosmetische Produkte und für die Küche als Tempura-Öl gibt es in einigen Variationen, aber darüberhinaus haben die Inselbewohner auch ihre eigenen Produkte entwickelt.
Schokolade mit Olivengeschmack und Oliven-Brauselimonade (oriibu saidaa) sind begehrte Reisemitbringsel, während die Oliven-Eiscreme am besten frisch auf der Insel schmeckt.

Jedes Jahr im Herbst findet das „Fest der großen Kürbise“ (kabocha taikai) statt, bei dem der schwerste Kürbis einen Preis bekommt. Alle Bauern aus der Umgebung und aus vielen anderen Teilen Japans reisen mit ihren dicken Kürbisen an, tauschen Hinweise zum Anbau aus und wiegen die dicksten. Im Jahre 2008 gewann Hase Kazushi aus der Präfektur Toyama mit einem 530 Kilogramm schweren Prachtstück. Diese „Monster-Kürbise“ (o-bake kabocha おばけかぼちゃ) werden im allgemeinen nicht gegessen.

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Kagawa .


- #sanukiudon #udon -



Kanagawa Prefecture

Kanagawa Prefecture (神奈川県, Kanagawa-ken) is a prefecture located in the southern Kantō region of Honshū, Japan. The capital is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area.
In medieval Japan, Kanagawa was part of the provinces of Sagami and Musashi.

There are some archaeological sites of Jōmon period (around 400 BC). About 3000 years ago, Mount Hakone made volcanic explosion and Lake Ashi on the western area of this prefecture.

It's estimated, Yamato Dynasty ruled this area from 5th century. In the ancient era, plains and damps were widely spread with few inhabitants.

Kamakura in central Sagami was the capital of Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333).

During the Edo period, the western part of Sagami Province was governed by the daimyo of Odawara Castle, while the eastern part was directly governed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo (Tokyo).

Yokohama Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in Japan (larger than Chinatowns in both Kobe and Nagasaki) and it is one of the largest in the world.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Misaki is a fishing port where maguro tuna fish is landed.

fine local sake rice wines using highquality water and rice from Fuji and Tanzawa regions


Dishes from Kanagawa prefecture
神奈川 郷土料理

akamoku 鎌倉の新名産アカモク akamoku seaweed
from the sea off Kamakura
nagamo ナガモ "long seaweed"
It grows in shallow sea water and grows to seven meters long. It is a kind of "weed" in the waters off Kamakura, but in recent years young fishermen and cooks have promoted it to a new speciality, eaten in miso soup, in jelly-form and many others. It is even served in sophisticated dishes at the resort hotels.
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Ashigara Tea
From Tanzawa and Hakone.

butaniku 豚肉 pork dishes
Koza pork and Yamayuri pork
pork cutlet,pork rice bowl and pork with beanpaste
butaman in chinatown ブタまん
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パンダまん Butaman and Pandaman, Manju with meat
Panda Man
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Panda Pan ぱんだパン
Panda Soomen パンダそうめん from Ueno Zoo, Tokyo
Panda Bento パンダ弁当 Lunchboxes
Panda パンダラーメン Ramen Noodle soup
Panda Kamaboko パンダかまぼこ

Daibutsu manjuu 大仏まんじゅう / 大仏饅頭
Sweets from the Big Buddha, Kamakura
prepared with the dough of castella cakes
Hachimangu kawara senbei 鶴岡八幡宮 瓦せんべい
square senbei crackers
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dengaku unagi 田楽うなぎ eel with miso paste
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Kamakura hato saburee ハトサブレー sable bisquits in the shape of doves
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kenchinjiru, kenchin-jiru けんちん汁 vegetable soup with tofu
with daikon radish, carrots, satoimo, tofu and more.
First prepared by priest Rankei Dooryuu 蘭渓道隆 in the temple Kenchooji 建長寺 Kencho-Ji in Kamakura, at that time called Kenchooji-jiru, kenchojijiru 建長汁, hence the naming.
From there is spread (together with the Zen teachings) to other parts of Japan. Now also a speciality in Yamanashi.
The dashi soup is only made from boiling vegetables first fried in a bit of sesame oil. Later Tofu is torn in small pieces by hand and put into the broth.
This goes back to Rankei, who once in the kitchen saw a monk who had not taken care and his tofu had fallen on the hard kitchen floor and scattered. The monk wanted to throw it away, but Rankei said: "This would be a waste of food", picked up the pieces, washed them and put them in the broth. Now it has become part of the preparing process in the temple
Some say it is part of the Chinese temple cuisine, fucha ryoori 普茶料理 and should be written with the characters 巻繊汁 (けんちんじる).
Others prepare it with pork meat for the dashi soup.
Some use soy sauce, others miso for the final flavor.


Misaki Tuna "Maguro" from Misaki Town at the end of Miura peninsula
"kabuto yaki"(whole grilled tuna head)

Odawara "Kamaboko" Boild Fish Paste
Kamaboko (蒲鉾, かまぼこ) Fish paste, fish cake, ground fish on boards

Oyama Tofu Cuisine

Ramen Museum at Shin-Yokohama.

sanmaamen サンマーメン Ramen soup with vegetables
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shirasu しらす, shirasu don しらす丼 White-bait Rice Bowl
Fresh white-bait (young sardines) are used to make this rice bowl dish, which you can try in Enoshima and other parts of the Shonan region.
shirasu no kama-age しらすの釜揚げ boiled shirasu
... see . Shirasu from Hamamatsu, Hiratsuka and Kamakura

shirasu biiru はしらすビール beer with shirasu fish
from Enoshima

shuumai ekiben シュウマイ駅弁 lunchbox at the station

Tanzawa Soba
renowned for their firm texture

toroman トロまん / とろまん / トロ饅
Chinese bun with toro maguro fish meat
from Misaki 三崎まぐろ
ootoro and toro are the fat parts of a maguro.
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The fishing port of Misaki is appealing to tourists with this new invention.
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uiroo 外郎 / ういろう kind of jelly sweet

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


CLICK for more photos of the PIG MAN

中華街 ブタまん一つ 三百円
chuukagai butaman hitostu sanbyakuen

Chinatown -
one Pig Meatball
threehundred yen

Takahashi Kun 高橋くん
From a Children's page

Related words

Pocky Panda

Chuka Ryori, chuuka ryoori 中華料理 Chinese Food
Chinatown 中華街 in Yokohama, Kobe and Nagasaki

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Kanagawa - Yokohama - Kamakura .
