



The Japanese Vegetable Saijiki



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Vegetables of Summer ... natsu no yasai 夏の野菜

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plants


The Haiku SUMMER starts on May 6, according to the Asian lunar calendar.

CLICK for more photos
natsu yasai 夏野菜

A lot of fruit also ripens in summer.
Here are listed just a few.

A lot of plants blossom in summer.
Here are listed just a few.

. Yakumi 薬味 spices and condiments .

Use your browser to find a word.


Early Summer

endoo 豌豆 (えんどう)endo beans, field pea beans
... saya endoo 莢豌豆(さやえんどう)
japanische Erbsen

fuki 蕗 (ふき butterbur)
Petasites japonicus
fuki kari 蕗刈り(ふきかり)cutting butterbur
akita fuki 秋田蕗(あきたふき)fuki from Akita
fuki no hiroba 蕗の広葉(ふきのひろば)broad leaves of butterbur
fuki no ame 蕗の雨(ふきのあめ)rain on the butterbur
kandoo 欵冬(かんどう)

. gibooshi no hana 擬宝珠の花 hosta flowers .
Hosta fortunei. A mountain vegetable (sansai)

goboo no hana 牛蒡の花 (ごぼうのはな) burdock blossoms
... hana goboo 花牛蒡(はなごぼう)

hechima nae 糸瓜苗 seedlings of the sponge gourd
sowing sponge gourds, hechima maku 糸瓜蒔く
flower of the sponge gourd, hechima no hana 糸瓜の花
hana hechima 花糸瓜(はなへちま)
. . . . . and
karasuuri no hana 烏瓜の花 flower of the snake gourd
Trichosanthes cucumeroides

hisago nae 瓢苗 gourd seedlings

kikujisha きくぢしゃ "chrysanthemum lettuce" endive
nigajisha 苦蒿苣(にがぢしゃ)"bitter lettuce"
hanajisha 花蒿苣(はなぢしゃ)
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣(おらんだぢしゃ)"lettuce from Holland"
Cichorium endivia. Endiviensalat


kyabetsu キャベツ (European) cabbage
... kanran 甘藍 (かんらん) , tamana 玉菜(たまな)"leaves ball"
Brassica oleracea

Cabbage is good for the digestion.
Often eaten as sengiri 千切り shredded in "1000 cuts" in small stripes, added to a tonkatsu cutlet (in Kanto).
Torn by hand it is called chigiri kyabetsu チギリキャベツ, added to a kushikatsu cutled on skewers in Kansai.
kushikatsu 串カツ pork meat on skewers
koorusuroo コールスロー coleslaw salad
also as rolled cabbage ロールキャベツ rooru kyabetsu.
In Chinese kitchen, as hoikooroo ホイコーロー / 回鍋肉hoikoro pork meat with cabbage
. . . "cabbage white", (Pieris rapae) a butterfly. Kleine Kohlweißling.

- - - - - but
cauliflower 花椰菜 (はなやさい) hana yasai
... hana kyabetsu 花キャベツ(はなきゃべつ), karifurawaa カリフラワー、 hana kanran 花甘藍(はなかんらん)
kigo for all winter
and other types of "winter cabbage" and "kyabetsu" in the Japanese name.

. SAIJIKI - Winter Vegetables .


kyuuri no nae 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber seedlings
hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり) cucumber blossoms

kyuuri no hana 胡瓜の花 (きゅうりのはな) cucumber flowers
..... hana kyuuri 花胡瓜(はなきゅうり)

nasu nae 茄子苗 なすなえ eggplant seedlings
kleine Auberginenpflanzen

shin jaga, shinjaga 新馬鈴薯 (しんじゃが ) new potatoes

soramame 蚕豆 (そらまめ) fava beans, broad beans
... hajiki mame はじき豆(はじきまめ)
The black of the strings was used to prepare a substance called "ohaguro, o-haguro おはぐろ (御歯黒/お歯黒/ 鉄漿)" to blacken the teeth of the married beauties of the Edo period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of black teeth!
kanetsuke 鉄漿付け
© OHAGURO ... More in the WIKIPEDIA !

take no ko 筍 (たけのこ) bamboo shoots, bamboo sprouts
with more kigo

uri no nae 瓜の花 (うりのはな ) gourd seedlings



aobashoo 青芭蕉 (あおばしょう)green leaves of banana
bashoo wakaba 芭蕉若葉(ばしょうわかば)
natsu bashoo 夏芭蕉(なつばしょう) summer banana tree

imo no hana 芋の花 (いものはな) sweet potato blossoms

jagaimo no hana 馬鈴薯の花 (じゃがいものはな)
jagatara no hana じゃがたらの花(じゃがたらのはな), bareisho no hana馬鈴薯の花(ばれいしょのはな)
Kartoffelblüten, jaga-imo no hana

kabocha no hana 南瓜の花 pumpkin flowers

karigi 刈葱 (かりぎ) kind of leek
...yagura negi 楼子葱(やぐらねぎ), sankai negi 三階葱(さんかいねぎ)

ninjin no hana 人参の花 (にんじんのはな) carrot blossoms
... hana ninjin 花人参(はなにんじん)

oriibu no hana オリーブの花 (おりーぶのはな) olive blossoms
オリーブ Olives from Shodoshima 小豆島 ... Kagawa prefecture

satsumaimo no hana 甘藷の花 flower of the sweet potato
..... kansho no hana 甘藷の花(かんしょのはな)

suika no hana 西瓜の花 (すいかのはな)
watermelon flowers

toogarashi no hana 唐辛子の花 (とうがらしのはな)
flowers/blossoms of the red pepper

..... 蕃椒の花(とうがらしのはな)


Late Summer

asuparagasu no hana アスパラガスの花 asparagus flowers

bashoo no hana 芭蕉の花 (ばしょうのはな ) banana blossoms
... hana bashoo 花芭蕉(はなばしょう)

chorogi 草石蚕 (ちょろぎ) knotroot , Knollenziest
Stachys sieboldii
Often used for New Year food because of its red color when pickled.

hasu no hana 蓮の花
lotus flowers, renge 蓮華

. kanpyoo muku 干瓢剥く (かんぴょうむく )
cutting small stripes of calabash .

(Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida). kampyo
... kanpyoo hagu 干瓢はぐ(かんぴょうはぐ)
kanpyoo hosu 干瓢干す(かんぴょうほす) drying the calabash stripes
shin kanpyoo 新干瓢(しんかんぴょう)new calabash stripes
The calabash is cut in long stripes with a maschine or by hand and then dried, best in the sunshine. New stripes are offered to the ancestors for the obon festival.
CLICK for more photos famous woodblock print by Hiroshige
about the kanpyoo perparations in Minakuchi,
along the Tokaido.
getrocknete Kürbisstreifen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

myooga no ko 茗荷の子 "children of myoga ginger"

nasu eggplant, 茄子 (なす), aubergine nasubi なすび
with more kigo

natsumame 夏豆 (なつまめ) "summer soy beans"
... shin edamame 新枝豆(しんえだまめ) new edamame soybeans

natsu negi, natsunegi 夏葱 (なつねぎ) summre leek
Leek (negi)

painappuru パイナップル pineapple
ananasu あななす ananas
matsuringo まつりんご, hoori 鳳梨(ほうり)

shin imo 新藷 (しんいも) new sweet potatoes
... hashiri imo 走り藷(はしりいも)

. shiso 紫蘇 しそ beefsteak plant .
Perilla frutescens

tomato トマト (とまと)
banka 蕃茄(ばんか), aka nasu 赤茄子(あかなす)"red eggplant"
Momotaro Tomatoes from Okayama 桃太郎トマト

toomorokoshi no hana 玉蜀黍の花 (とうもろこしのはな)
maize flowers, corn flowers

nanban no hana なんばんの花(なんばんのはな)
tookibi no hana 唐黍の花(とうきびのはな) "Kibi from Tang China" flowers

uri 瓜 gourd
oriental melon, makuwa uri
hime uri 姫瓜 (ひめうり)
shiro uri 越瓜 (しろうり)
shiro uri 白瓜(しろうり)
ao uri 青瓜 (あおうり )
meron メロン

waka goboo, wakagoboo 若牛蒡 (わかごぼう) new young burdock
... shin goboo 新牛蒡(しんごぼう)

yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)
yuugaodana 夕顔棚(ゆうがおだな) shelf for bottle gourds
Lagenaria siceraria


All Summer

aatichooku アーティチョーク artichoke, Artischocke
Cynara scolymus
kigo in California
The Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a perennial thistle originating in southern Europe around the Mediterranean.
The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud about 8–15 cm diameter with numerous triangular scales; the individual florets are purple.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Artichoke thistle, cardoon: Cynara Cardunculus


aotoogarashi あおとうがらし【青唐辛子・青蕃椒】green hot pepper
grüner Pfefferschoten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Many are grown as Kyoto Vegetables.

banana バナナ banana
mibashoo 甘蕉(みばしょう) "sweet bashoo"

kyuuri 胡瓜 (きゅうり) cucumber
The name comes from "yellow gourd" ki-uri 黄瓜 きうり , which changed to kyuuri. If you let a cucumber hang long enough, it will turn yellow when ripe.
... itazuri 板刷り to rub the cucumber on a wooden board with salt
... shiomomi 塩もみ cut cucumber pieces kneaded with salt to get rid of some water
The Chinese characters for uri 瓜 and tsume 爪 are very similar BUT
uri ni tsume ari, tsume ni tsume nashi.

. mame no hana 豆の花 various beans flowering in summer .

nasubi dengaku 茄子田楽(なすびでんがく)dengaku with eggplants

nasu no hana 茄子の花 (なすのはな) eggplant blossoms
... hana nasu 花茄子(はななす)

natsu daikon 夏大根 (なつだいこん) summer radish
Radish (daikon)

natsu kabu 夏蕪 (なつかぶ) summer turnips
..... natsu kabura 夏蕪(なつかぶら)

natsu na, natsuna 夏菜 (なつな)"summer leaves" Swiss chard
... fudansoo 不断草(ふだんそう)Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

papaiya パパイヤ papaya
... papaya パパヤ、chichiuri no kiちちうりのき
mokka木瓜(もっか)、mannjuka 万寿果(まんじゅか)

paseri パセリ parsley
oranda seri 和蘭芹(オランダぜり)

rakkyoo 辣韮 (らっきょう) shallot
... rakkyoo 薤(らっきょう)、rakkyo らっきょ
Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel. Schalotte

tade 蓼 (たで) smartweed, water pepper
yanagi tade 柳蓼(やなぎたで), hontade 本蓼(ほんたで), matade 真蓼(またで)
tade tsumu 蓼摘む(たでつむ)picking tade
tade uri 蓼売(たでうり)selling tade
tade su 蓼酢(たです) tade vinegar
Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer, Polygonum hydropiper

takana 高菜 mustard greens, Senfkraut
Brassica juncea var. integlifolia

tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ) round onion
first indroduced from North America, now almost half of the Japanese production. Grown in Hokkaido, Abashiri, Furano, Ishikari and Sorachi from April to September.
On of the old vegetables, which gave stamina to the constructors of the pyramids in egypt.
onionringu オニオンリング onion rings, a snack

Things found on the way

cerori セロリ celery
Apium graveolens L. var. dulce
often eaten as sticks, serori sutikku セロリステイック

. . . . .
guriin piisu グリーン ピース green peas
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
a kind of endomame. ao-endoo あおえんどう(青豆)
saya endoo さやえんどう
They are the unripe form of endomame.
They are often sold in cans or frozen in Japan.
They contain a lot of fibers and are good for your diet.

satoozaya サトウザヤ sweet grean peas
a type where you can eat the peas and the sheath around them, when you put them into hot water for a moment. They are rather sweet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . .

junsai じゅんさい【蓴菜】water shield
Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel.
quite similar to water lilies. The leaves are eaten. They excrete a slippery liquid and the dishes are slimy, but very nutritious. Often pickled with vinegar.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

nunawa ou 蒪生う (ぬなわおう) planting water shield
junsai ou 蒪菜生う(じゅんさいおう)
kigo for mid-spring
WKD : Water shield (junsai, nunawa)

kureson クレソン cresson, ウォータークレス watercress
Tasts good with meat dishes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oranda garashi 和蘭芥子 (おらんだがらし)
kawana 川菜(かわな), kawa takana 川高菜(かわたかな)、kizugarashi みずがらし

moroheiya モロヘイヤ Moroheya, Jew's marrow
from the arabic: molokheiya
Once a king of Egypt became ill and recovered when eating this vegetable soup. So it was named "for the King only". Cleopatra also liked to eat it.
Corchorus olitorius
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
moroheya soup

tsuruna 蔓菜 "つるな" New Zealand spinach
..... 蕃菜(つるな), hamana 浜菜(はまな)
hamajina 浜蒿苣(はまぢしゃ)
Tetragonia tetragonoides

zukkiini ズッキーニ zucchini, courgette
Cucurbita pepo melopepo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
of the pumpkin family, although it resembles a cucumber.
hana zukkiini 花ズッキーニ flowers of the zucchini, also eaten


cucumber glut --
one day slices, one day stripes
on our faces

~ ~ ~

warm rain drips
from ripe tomatoes ...
the call for salad

~ ~ ~

a lovely hangout
for my onions too ...
baby swallows

~ ~ ~

the taste of green beans
and a swallow's song --
this year's summer

Heike Gewi, Yemen, May 2009


PHOTO by Claudia Cadwell
ripe artichoke-
so much work
to find the heart

© Photo and Haiku. Claudia Cadwell
source : My Facebook Friends May 2009


kyabetsu kau tsuki wa konya mo pechanko

I buy a cabbage -
the moon tonight
is all flat again

Amano Motoko 天野素子
source : HAIKUreikuDB




1 comment:

adekun said...

That's quite a list. Always looking out for new things to try growing in the garden...